VOCO Rebilda DC - Set QuickMix Syringe 10g
Price: 3500.0 EGP

10g syringe. QuickMix dentine, 4ml FuturabondĀ« DC liquid 1 + 2.5ml Vococid gel, mixing tips and intra-oral tips.


Core buildup material for vital and non-vital teeth.


- Light-cured for quicker application.
- Additional chemical curing ensures complete curing.
- In 10g QuickMix syringes with small, mixing points which save material.
- In three colours: blue for easy identification of preparation margins, dentine for aesthetic situations, and white as an aesthetic contrast to dentine.
- Low heat generation even in bulk placements.
- Flow able.
- The adhesive system ensures good bonding without having to place pins near the pulp. - Easy access to posterior areas with the intra-oral tips.